Peter Tilley
Peter writes about his art practice as :
“The current body of work shifts between still life tableau and compositions based around the figure. It could be seen as a dialogue with the self while reflecting on issues of the times and the nature of society. A physical manifestation of the personal and the universal through the use of an unassuming figure grouped with everyday objects. There is a recurring meditation on life’s opposing forces of hope/despair, real/wishful, life/death and permanence/decay etc. The form and context of these works will to a large extent be intuitively understood, being derived from concepts commonly encountered. However, at the same time the work can be rich in contradiction and complexity, implying an experience of the real world.”
Peter is represented by May Space (Sydney)
His person website is

2016. bronze, polished stainless steel, perspex, cortex steel. 58.5 x 46 x 31cm